Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bobby Long "Who Have You Been Loving"

"Who Have You Been Loving" is an amazing tune that Rich Terfry has been playing the crap out of. I like the recorded version so much for the Modest Mouse like guitar bits at the beginning. I dug everywhere around Youtube to find a recorded version, but absolutely no luck. So instead you getta link to his Myspace.

He's playing the Revival soon, I half want to go just to check out the venue. A lot of 'urban' (I feel incredibly musically ignorant to say that) artists play there, so I've never really had a reason to go.

His new album drops February 1.


  1. There are several videos of this song that can be found by searching on the title. Here's a great one.

  2. None studio recorded though! Definitely a great video, but it has such a different feel than the studio recording.

  3. He reminds me a lot of how Johnathan Rice started out. It's sort of interesting to see how his career has blossomed alongside his relationship with music powerhouse Jenny Lewis.
