Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Camera Obscura at Lee's; Saturday June 27, 2009

Camera Obscura at Lee's; Saturday June 27, 2009

I was going to write a bit about them and I had absolutely nothing to say. I think it was because I didn't really enjoy their set.

I liked their songs, actually love their songs. They're cute, watching them is like stepping back to a high school dance in the fifties. But you're spot on in that they were a little flat. I was surprised that the most upbeat songs that make me want to dance (and I'm no dancer) didn't even provoke a smile out of the lead singer.

I thought they sounded great live, but there was nothing to their live show. So why don't I just listen to the CD... On an up note, their conversion from string arrangements to live show really translated well... The trumpet worked really nicely. I also really loved their end to their set. I thought they'd just end on "Hey Lloyd" but they launched into another ditty... The ending completely blew me away with the messy guitars and the trumpet.

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