Monday, November 23, 2009

Brand New at the Kool Haus; Sunday November 22, 2009

I have few expectations at a concert but I always find it socially different when I go to a show that I feel like I don't really belong at. Most of these being the bands that I liked six or seven years ago and still time and time again I find myself going to see them live.

Upon waiting for Brand New to come on at around 10:00pm, there was a couple that was begging to be looked at. I couldn't resist. It was a guy and girl, the girl was a petit asian wearing a tiny shirt. The guy was dressed in baggy clothes and skater shoes. They were in their early twenties. They were both carrying drinks but the guy had a blue lollipop. I turned away for a few seconds and looked back to the girl with the blue lollipop in her mouth posing for photos in the crowd. It was kind of weird, the guy must've taken like four photos and each one was the same but the girls mouth was tilted a little differently or the stick of the lollipop hanging out of her mouth was angled a different way. Seconds later the guy had the lollipop back in his mouth and then proceeded to dip it into the girls beer. He asked her if her drink was blue.

I wish I could write a story as well as David Sedaris. Regardless, of my writing style I think this stretches to show the broad array of people in the crowd. I realised today that the first time I saw Brand New was almost six years ago. Building on that their album Deja Entendu was released nearly seven years ago. So back in 2004 when I saw Brand New for the first time, I was in the tenth grade. It's sort of funny to see sixteen year olds at this show and all I can think is that was me.

That 2004 gig was my favourite concert for a very long time. If anyone asks me, to this day even, what my favourite concert i've ever saw was, I would probably bring up that Brand New show because at the time it was the best thing ever.

I've probably seen them three or four times since and they just don't have that affect on me anymore. Given, they are amazing sound wise, but they just don't do the same thing for me. I think it has a ton to do with the catalogue they pull from. Back in 2004 they were pushing a fresh batch of songs they released in 2003. That CD was my world at that time. I remember reading the lyrics in my bed, while listening to the CD on my discman. That CD still makes me remember why I like music.

Last time I saw them, I remember thinking how divided their show was. They played a block of new tunes and a block of old ones too - no mixing. This made for a very boring concert. This time 'round they made things a little more exciting. They opened with a newer track from one of their last two albums - just instrumental.

This show is definitely going to push me to like their newer stuff a bit. I really loved the song "Limousine". This by no means blew me away recorded, only because I hadn't listened to the album properly and the tune probably lost me in the slow intro. Half way through the song picks up as a whole band arrangement. The lyrics: "Well I love you so much, but do me a favor baby, don't reply.'cause I can dish it out, but I can't take it." Aside from the guy shouting the lyrics at the top of his lungs next to me - this song came off terrific live.

I had these moments where I would hear a newer tune and I'd remind myself that this was the band that put out one of my favourite records. Looking at the lyrics now to the song "Limousine" I realise how remarkable this band still is. The link I provided is incredible, Jesse Lacey describes how he came to write the tune. Here is the acoustic version of the tune.

My favourite bit was when they busted out their older songs. They played five older tunes - "I Believe You But My Tommy Gun Don't", "Sic Transit Gloria (Glory Fades)", "Mixtape", "Jude Law and the Semester Abroad" and "Seventy Times 7". I remember the feeling after each song of having no expectations as to which song would be played althoug I secretly hoped for older material. After hearing "Jude Law", I thought to myself that the only way this show could get any more perfect was if they played "Seventy Times 7". I had no idea it was coming because the last time they joked about playing it, introducing it but instead launched into an extended ten minute version of "Welcome to Bangkok". All songs were done extremely well. It was however, far too intense when they played the two tunes from Deja as the crowd took to it like a children's sing along, I could barely hear the band through the first lines of "I Believe You". The band also blazes through the Deja tunes, I feel like they've played them so many times they mean little to them.

I didn't think they'd play anything else older, so I kept edging my way out when it neared midnight. I left a bit early, but by the time I got my bike they were playing their last tune - "Play Crack the Sky". I had to listen to it because I sort of hated myself for leaving but I was getting bored of listening to tunes I didn't know! I think it was worth it for the last few lyrics of the tune -

"This story's old but it goes on and on until we disappear, Calm me and let me taste the salt you breathed while you were underneath, I am the one who haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the sea, I spoke the words but never gave a thought to what they all could mean, I know that this is what you want, a funeral keeps both of us apart. You know that you are not alone, I need you like water in my lungs."

They always like playing that song. They did it last time too I'm sure.

This band is amazing. They have a fantastic energy that shows in their music. Their sound is big and their show is flawless. Lacey's voice is perfection even through all it's roughness. Screaming or singing he sports it well.

I think if I were to see this band play their two older albums in their entirity it would be up their for best concert. So maybe I wasn't off when I saw them the first go.

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