Saturday, May 7, 2011

Coachella 2011: aftermath seventeen; The Tallest Man on Earth and Foals

My second time seeing The Tallest Man on Earth was no different than my first, with the exception of him blowing up one hundred fold. Kristan Mattson is probably one of the most charming men in the world - even though he writes tunes about killing all the prospective men in the apple of his eye's life just to have her to himself. Mattson is absolutely gorgeous and captivates the entire crowd with just his guitar.

I unfortunately seem to be the one exception to this captivation.

He both sounds and looks fantastic but I find myself getting slightly bored at his gigs. Fortunately, he played my favourite tune "The Gardener" in the first half of his set, so I was able to catch that. I would've like to have caught  him play "Pistol Dreams" for that lovely intro he plays in his live show.

But I feel completely satisfied with this NPR Tiny Desk Session -

I moved on quickly to the opposite show the next stage over with Foals. I found myself satisfied by everything Kristian Matsson couldn't give me - energy and intensity.

I just recently found out about Foals from a friend who better guided my ears. I first listened to Antidotes without much love for it but he directed me to the album Total Life Forever justifying it's superiority with the claim that the lead singer learned how to sing for this record. A scary comment because it makes me think of all the studio work that could have been done to fix him up good, but much to my surprise he held his own in the live gig.

This band's presence on stage was absolutely stunning, everyone down to the drummer was full of energy. This band really seemed whole to me.

I just missed them play in Toronto because I was stuck and work (and tickets were sold out)!!

I just read a comment on this YouTube video, absolutely hilarious:

For all of you ignorant people out there who think they have tempo issues...DUH! it is called MATH ROCK!!
Math Rock: It is characterized by complex, atypical rhythmic structures (including irregular stopping and starting), angular melodies, and dissonant chords.
Thank you very much now we can all go back to our lives.

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