Friday, June 4, 2010

The Darcys at the Horseshoe Tavern, Thursday June 3, 2010

The last time I was at the Horseshoe for a record release gig it was Wintersleep about two years back. It was a free show and I didn't know a soul in the room, which is always a comforting feeling. This show I knew a few more familiar faces.

Comparing Wintersleep and the Darcys is a big stretch as far as how established the bands are, so I won't stretch to that length. However, listening and watching the Darcys live, really makes me think how successful this band will be in the near future.

Their past tour dates reflect some serious hard work in playing shows. Someone once compared going to a concert like running a race. I imagine being in a rock band you get asked, "How many gigs have you played this year?" Likewise when you're a runner you often get measured up to how many races you've run, and you're personal best.

The Darcys have found their ground. I imagine after losing your singer, a band really has to reestablish their roots good. From seeing them live, they seem to have really reached this point.

Their live gig was impressive. I made it there for the opener, who I really wasn't wowed by in my quick listen before the show. The band was present and having a lot of fun on stage, but I just wasn't feeling it. Their music was messy and they sounded very young, as a band.

The Darcys on the otherhand, showed a incredibly juxtaposition of sound. They were incredibly tight, unlike the last gig I saw them play at the Supermarket a couple of years back. I was really amazed by how well they duplicated their studio sound on stage. I feel if they had a looping machine (as much as they don't impress me!), or another guitarist they could much easily duplicate the sounds better. I feel that the bridge bit of "From Edmonton to Purgatory" wasn't as well played as it was on the album. There's a guitar part that is played from 1:34 point on that I think would have sounded better if it was played through. Regardless of my petty nitpicking, the sound was transferred well.

They even closed with an angst filled version of Sheryl Crowes' "If It Makes You Happy," where a good chunk of the crowd jumped on stage to help out.

This show was in support of the release of their 7" for the tune "House Built Around Your Voice," which I believe also featured the tune "From Edmonton to Purgatory." Two tracks you can check out on their myspace, and download them off of their website.

In Trinity Bellwoods-

"House Built Around Your Voice"

"From Edmonton to Purgatory"

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